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Academic staff

If you are part of the academic staff of the Civil Engineering MSc and you would like to be kept up to date about the events that we organise monthly, you can create an account on this page. We will send you a monthly overview of the events we organise that may be interesting for you and it gives you the ability to sign up for them through our website. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Personal information

Contact information

Your email address will become your My U-BASE username. It is possible to either use your TU Delft email address or your personal one. If you chose to add your phone number, make sure you include the country code, e.g. +31612345678.


U-Profiel is the magazine of U-BASE that is published by the U-Profiel Committee three times a year (free of charge). It contains interesting articles within the field of Civil Engineering. You can choose to receive a printed version or a digital version (notification via email). If you ever have an interesting topic that you are working on, feel free to send an email to!

Optional contribution

Since you are part of the academic staff and we think it would be a great addition if you join our association, we will not ask you for a membership fee. However, if you would like to support U-BASE so that we can keep organising interesting events for our members, you can choose to support us with a yearly contribution!

If you choose to do so, U-BASE charges you the specified amount yearly via direct debit. For this, an European banking account with a IBAN and BIC (not necessary for Dutch accounts) is required. By signing a mandate you give permission to U-BASE to send collection instructions to your bank to debit an amount from your account a couple of times a year (you've to sign this only once per membership). You will be notified at least two weeks in advance for each debit with a specification of the costs we are going to debit from you.  

If you do not agree with a debit you can always have it very easily, unconditionally reverse it within 8 weeks of debiting. Feel free to contact the treasurer at if you feel like we have made a mistake!

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