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Student Member

Join U-BASE, and enjoy all of the benefits that we have to offer!

  • Meet fellow students and future colleagues
  • Join excursions to companies and construction sites
  • Receive our own U-Profiel magazine three times a year
  • Have the possibility to join our annual Study Tour


Membership is FREE for all bachelor and pre-master students, and just €10*,- per year for master students. Join us by either filling out the enrollment form below or meet us at the BASE (S2 1.35)!

* €10 also applies if you are starting your master but still have some ECTS left from the bridging program.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Personal information

Address information

Contact information

Your email address wil become your My U-BASE username. Please do not use TU Delft email address (these expire at some point) but your personal one instead. Please include the country code in your mobile phone number, e.g. +31612345678.



U-Profiel is the magazine of U-BASE that is published by the U-Profiel Committee three times a year (free of charge). As member you can choose to receive a printed version or a digital version (notification via email).

Banking information

As a member of United Building and Structural Engineering Association (U-BASE) you are obliged to pay the yearly member fee until further notice as stated in the Internal Rules. Unsubscription must be done before October 1st. At this moment the yearly member fee is €10.

U-BASE charges you the yearly membership fee and additional personal expenses (e.g. for events, merchandise and/or 'turf') via direct debit. For this, an European banking account with a IBAN and BIC (not necessary for Dutch accounts) is required. By signing a mandate you give permission to U-BASE to send collection instructions to your bank to debit an amount from your account a couple of times a year (you've to sign this only once per membership). You will be notified at least two weeks in advance for each debit with a specification of the costs we are going to debit from you.

If you do not agree with a debit you can always have it very easily, unconditionally reverse it within 8 weeks of debiting. Ask your bank for instructions. If you don't have an IBAN (yet) leave this section empty and come by the BASE once you do.

You can either come by the BASE to sign a mandate. Alternatively, you can print one yourself, fill it in and drop it of or send it to the

Terms and conditions

You can find the latest version of our Internal Rules and Privacy Statement here. It's advised to open this in a separate window to prevent loss of already filled in information in this form.

By clicking the button below you declare to become a member of U-BASE.

Confirm not a robot

Please complete the expression to confirm you are not a robot, and use digits when answering.
